Lesson 5 of 15
In Progress

Checkin to Habits


In this lesson of the “Getting Started with the Rehabit Community” course, we are going to cover checking into habits. Habits are, obviously, a crucial part of the Rehabit platform. The brand name is built around the word habit, emphasizing revolutionizing, rebuilding, and reinvigorating your habits. You can find the habits in the toolbar on the left-hand side that contains all your apps. These are the systems. It’s the application toolbar on the left-hand side, and if we click through onto habits, you’ll see a list of those habits that you can check into.

You also can create your own custom habits, more on that in a minute. While we look at the habits and check-ins homepage, right now we’re looking at all the habits that I’m a member of. I don’t have navigation for the actual habits all group. I’m going to see if I can find that really quick and make a note that I need to make sure that the habits page and the check-ins pages are accessible from each other.

This is the habits homepage. It’s just at /habits, and you can see all habits, my habits, and create a habit. But the check-ins page is more functional in terms that it allows you to view your habit more readily as well as this feature of my notes, where you can add a note to any one of your check-ins.

So, with that, I’ve gotten out a little bit ahead of myself to get a check-in procedure underway. Now that you know there are two pages, check-ins and habits, that are associated with this feature. And so, you’re going to want to make sure that you are connected with a couple of habits. All members, when they sign up, have a few habits they’re already signed up for, which the number one is the show-up habit.

I’ll just see if I can find it. It’s right here. This habit actually gets auto-checked in. I haven’t logged in today; I’ve been logged in for a few days. When you log into the platform, you get a check-in automatically applied just on the merit of logging into the app because the show-up habit is really about celebrating the fact that you’ve shown up for yourself in any small way at any part of the day for any amount of time.

Those little moments create a window, and that’s an app we’ll touch on later about the windows, but these windows are spaces in time that we can annex and, you know, pierce the darkness with a little light and start expanding that window over time from five seconds a day to five minutes a day to whatever is required to have that practice be fulfilling eventually or more fulfilling or more powerful potentially.

But in essence, the act of showing up is what builds those neural networks. So it’s a really crucial habit. Now, of course, you can feel free to browse any of the other habits. Some of them have creatives attached to them. Others are still being developed. And creating your own habit is another step you can go if you don’t see one that you like.

We do curate them to make sure that we don’t end up with many habits that are the same. And so be aware that you may get a notice asking your permission to consolidate your habit with another habit.

Now checking in is pretty straightforward, as you might have seen. Anywhere you see one of these check-in windows, you can just go ahead and say, yes, I did my practice window session yesterday, I did the energy code yesterday, I did my love myself yesterday, I didn’t do my future self-journaling so you can actually say nope I failed that one.

You know, it’s actually a win to acknowledge a failure. Failures are not problems; they’re your friends. Maybe we should make that a different color. And having fun, I definitely had some fun yesterday. Relax. I did a little relaxing yesterday. So you can see, you can start to collect these and check into these habits pretty quickly.

In fact, there is a collections page in the habits that I also want to make sure is accessible. From the habits home page, let’s just see if that URL is the actual one. And so these collections are, as you might guess, groups of habits around different procedures or policies or protocols. So, for example, here’s the greatest secret collection, which is a book, Design Your Life Collection, which is an associate and a friend and a client of mine who has her own platform, very similar to this one. Dr. Stacey Thomas, Design Your Life Center, the Michael Olaski Collection, the Jay Shetty Collection, Two Minute Habits Collection.

So these collections are meant to be, alright, which, you know, one of these mentors or models in our community is really aligning or resonating with you. And so you can click through onto the Hal Elrod Collection, and you can automatically join all of the habits that are in that collection.

There will also, there’s also an option to check into all the habits at once, just to save you a little extra time. But feel free to poke around. And play with you can see I’m already a member of all the habits. Feel free to play around with and check into any of the habits that you want to be a member of.

This page is still loading. There we go. Check into that habit. And you can see there’s some related collections below. The last thing I’ll mention is the quick check-in down in the app footer bar. If you go to a quick check-in, you’ll see a pop-up of all the collections, of all the check-ins, and all the habits that you’re a member of, so you can quickly start checking into them from here. And let’s say I did the blessing of the energy setters last night, I did, it was late last night, so I guess that counts as today.

And so you can see I’ve checked into the website there. Just a quick note, you can also quickly make a journal post, which didn’t seem to trigger for me there, but you can also create a habit from here or create an update on the activities feed as well.

And so this is a quick new create button down below for when you want to quickly create or input some information into the system.

Okay, that’s all for now. Thanks so much. Good luck. Bye-bye.